Feed Composition Committee
The function of this group will be to bring together data and research resources on feed composition, to foster communication among those collecting feed composition information, and to facilitate efficiencies and consistencies in data collection and maintenance.
Committee Members

Ryan N. Dilger

Mark Edwards
California Polytechnic State University
Horse and Small Ruminant Nutrition
(805) 756-2599

Brian C. Small

Alexander N. Hristov
Pennsylvania State University
Dairy Nutrition
(814) 863-3669

William A. Dozier, III

Tara L. Felix

Andrew P. Foote

Woo Kyun Kim

Dong-Fang Deng

Sandra Solaiman

Brooke Humphrey

Fredric N. Owens
- Develop within - and across - species feed database(s) for use by current and future NRC nutrient requirement series and modeling efforts.
- Provide a framework to standardize the approach to evaluate literature and industry ingredient nutrient composition data.
- Identify research critical to the continued development of the feed ingredient database.
- Initialize a review of approaches and methodology related to ingredient sampling, handling, and chemical analyses.
- Establish a forum to solicit input for development and refinement of an across-species feed ingredient database.
- Interact with other international activities related to establishing and maintaining feed ingredient databases.
- Currently, the committee is investigating the framework for developing database logistics. The emphasis is towards developing a transparent approach that will allow multiple users to enter information and a centralized location to check/verify entered data. At this point in time, it appears that the database(s) will be developed and managed at the University of Illinois.
- The following links are provided inasmuch as the committee has viewed these as excellent resources and examples. It should be noted that although the current efforts of the Feed Composition Committee include developing ingredient databases for the major livestock species (beef, dairy, poultry and swine), the emphasis will be towards supporting continued research and forthcoming NRC reports. Species groups are developing templates for feed ingredient database.