
Animal Nutrition and Metabolism Database

This page provides instruction for searching and downloading animal performance data from the National Animal Nutrition Program repository. Data will be saved in several CSV files on your computer. Below are instructions for using this database.

Access the Animal Nutrition and Metabolism Database

There are several ways to use the tool:

* To search by variables, use the abbreviations list “Search Abbreviations” menu to select the variables of interest. Include the abbreviation selected on the “Select Variable” menu, enter the desired range for the Selected Variable, and click the “Filter” button.

* To search within a particular dataset, use the “Dataset” dropdown menu to select the “DataSet” of interest, and click on the “Filter” button.

* To search for a specific Reference within a dataset, use the “References” dropdown list.

* Tables identify the broad grouping of data used in the database. Tables include:

1. Study Descriptors (reference, publication year, location);

2. Dietary Ingredients (dietary ingredient inclusion rates for each diet);

3. Dietary Nutrients (nutrient composition information reported in the studies);

4. Subjects (animal or experimental subject descriptor information);

5. Performance data (information on growth, production, gestation, digestion, metabolism, and more);

5. Infusion data (amounts of nutrients or substances infused);

6. In vitro data (additional in vitro observations);

7. Ge_Prot_Transcr (information from genomic, transcriptomic, or proteomic studies).

* After defining your search and clicking the Filter button, a subset of your data will be visually presented in the tables and all of selected data will be available for download. At this time, visualization on the web site is very limited and provided as a rough check of data scope before downloading.

* To download the data, go to “Export Database” and click on the desired option to download the data in a CSV (packaged in a Zip file) or SQL files.

Generally, you may want to transpose (rotate) the data from rows to columns, but not always.

* To import the data into R and transpose (rotate) the data from rows to columns, use R (or R studio) and run the following script.