library(shiny) library(rhandsontable) library(ggplot2) library(plotly) library(DT) library(shinyjs) shinyServer(function (input, output, session){ values <- reactiveValues() values$df <- data.frame(Age = numeric(0), Line = character(), Sex = character(), Temp = numeric(0), MEd = numeric(0), BW_actual = numeric(0), Intake_actual = numeric(0), LCTemp = numeric(0), Wm_BW = numeric(0), B_BW = numeric(0), Wi_BW = numeric(0), a_BW = numeric(0), b_BW = numeric(0), c_BW = numeric(0), Wm_BP = numeric(0), B_BP = numeric(0), Wi_BP= numeric(0), Wm_FP= numeric(0), B_FP= numeric(0), Wi_FP= numeric(0), a_BF= numeric(0), c_BF= numeric(0),#### Change b_BF to c_BF to avoid duplication B_BF = numeric(0), Wi_BF= numeric(0), Wm_BF= numeric(0), BW_pred= numeric(0), BW_NRC= numeric(0), BWG_pred= numeric(0), BPW= numeric(0), BPD= numeric(0), FPW= numeric(0), FPD= numeric(0), FW= numeric(0), FG= numeric(0), MEreq = numeric(0), FI_pred = numeric(0), Lys_Eft = numeric(0), MetpCis_Ef = numeric(0), Thr_Eft = numeric(0), Val_Eft = numeric(0), Iso_Eft = numeric(0), Trp_Eft = numeric(0), Lys_MM = numeric(0), MetpCys_MM = numeric(0), Thr_MM = numeric(0), Val_MM = numeric(0), Iso_MM = numeric(0), Trp_MM = numeric(0), LysRatio_MM = numeric(0), MetpCysRatio_MM = numeric(0), ThrRatio_MM = numeric(0), ValRatio_MM = numeric(0), IsoRatio_MM = numeric(0), TrpRatio_MM = numeric(0), Lys_EM = numeric(0), MetpCys_EM = numeric(0), Thr_EM = numeric(0), Val_EM = numeric(0), Iso_EM = numeric(0), Trp_EM = numeric(0), LysRatio_EM = numeric(0), MetpCysRatio_EM = numeric(0), ThrRatio_EM = numeric(0), ValRatio_EM = numeric(0), IsoRatio_EM = numeric(0), TrpRatio_EM = numeric(0), Lys_MM_FI = numeric(0), MetpCys_MM_FI = numeric(0), Thr_MM_FI = numeric(0), Val_MM_FI = numeric(0), Iso_MM_FI = numeric(0), Trp_MM_FI = numeric(0), Lys_EM_FI = numeric(0), MetpCys_EM_FI = numeric(0), Thr_EM_FI = numeric(0), Val_EM_FI = numeric(0), Iso_EM_FI = numeric(0), Trp_EM_FI = numeric(0), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) newEntry <- observeEvent(input$update, { values$df <- rbind(values$df, data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE, #Age = as.numeric(input$text3, digits= 0), Age = c(({as.numeric(input$text3[1]):as.numeric(input$text3[2])})), Line =as.character(if(input$text3 > 0){input$text1} else {NA}), Sex = as.character(if(input$text3 > 0){input$text2} else {NA}), Temp = as.numeric(if(input$text3 > 0){input$text4} else {NA}), #Line = input$text1, #Sex = input$text2, #Temp = as.numeric(input$text4), MEd = as.numeric(input$text5), BW_actual = as.numeric(input$text6), Intake_actual = as.numeric(input$text7), LCTemp = as.numeric(if(input$text3 == 1){31} else if(input$text3 == 2 ){31} else if(input$text3 == 3 ){31} else if(input$text3 == 4 ){31} else if(input$text3 == 5 ){31} else if(input$text3 == 6){31} else if(input$text3 == 7){31} else if(input$text3 == 8){28} else if(input$text3 == 9){28} else if(input$text3 == 10){28} else if(input$text3 == 11){28} else if(input$text3 == 12){28} else if(input$text3 == 13){28} else if(input$text3 == 14){28} else if(input$text3 == 15){24} else if(input$text3 == 16){24} else if(input$text3 == 17){24} else if(input$text3 == 18){24} else if(input$text3 == 19){24} else if(input$text3 == 20){24} else if(input$text3 == 21){24} else if(input$text3 == 22){22} else if(input$text3 == 23){22} else if(input$text3 == 24){22} else if(input$text3 == 25){22} else if(input$text3 == 26){22} else if(input$text3 == 27){22} else if(input$text3 == 28){22} else if(input$text3 == 29){20} else if(input$text3 == 30){20} else if(input$text3 == 31){20} else if(input$text3 == 32){20} else if(input$text3 == 33){20} else if(input$text3 == 34){20} else if(input$text3 == 35){20} else if(input$text3 == 36){18} else if(input$text3 == 37){18} else if(input$text3 == 38){18} else if(input$text3 == 39){18} else if(input$text3 == 40){18} else if(input$text3 == 41){18} else if(input$text3 == 42){18} else if(input$text3 == 43){18} else if(input$text3 == 44){18} else if(input$text3 == 45){18} else if(input$text3 == 46){18} else if(input$text3 == 47){18} else if(input$text3 == 48){18} else if(input$text3 == 49){18} else if(input$text3 == 50){18} else if(input$text3 == 51){18} else if(input$text3 == 52){18} else if(input$text3 == 53){18} else if(input$text3 == 54){18} else if(input$text3 == 55){18} else if(input$text3 == 56){18} else if(input$text3 == 57){18} else if(input$text3 == 58){18} else if(input$text3 == 59){18} else if(input$text3 == 60){18} ), #M1_SL = paste(input$text1, input$text2), #merge two inputs to create a new ID # BODY WEIGHT(kg) Wm_BW = if(input$text1 == "Ross" && input$text2 == "Male"){8.3755} else if(input$text1 == "Ross" && input$text2 == "Female" ){6.754} else if(input$text1 == "Cobb" && input$text2 == "Male" ){8.111} else if(input$text1 == "Cobb" && input$text2 == "Female" ){6.565} else if(input$text1 == "Hubbard" && input$text2 == "Male" ){9.186} else if(input$text1 == "Hubbard" && input$text2 == "Female"){6.874}, # include coma after each variable #class(reactive(Wm_BW ())), B_BW = if(input$text2 == "Male" && input$text1 == "Ross"){0.040} # use = instead <- else if(input$text2 == "Male" && input$text1 == "Cobb"){0.042} else if(input$text2 == "Male" && input$text1 == "Hubbard"){0.037} else if(input$text2 == "Female" && input$text1 == "Ross"){0.040} else if(input$text2 == "Female" && input$text1 == "Cobb"){0.042} else if(input$text2 == "Female" && input$text1 == "Hubbard"){0.039}, # include coma after each variable Wi_BW = if(input$text2 == "Male" && input$text1 == "Ross"){0.044} # use = instead <- else if(input$text2 == "Male" && input$text1 == "Cobb"){0.044} else if(input$text2 == "Male" && input$text1 == "Hubbard"){0.041} else if(input$text2 == "Female" && input$text1 == "Ross"){0.042} else if(input$text2 == "Female" && input$text1 == "Cobb"){0.045} else if(input$text2 == "Female" && input$text1 == "Hubbard"){0.038}, # include coma after each variable ##### US BODY WEIGHT(kg) until 49 days by VL Daley, Matheus and Victor et al. 2019 a_BW = if(input$text8 == "Early-developing"){6117} else if(input$text8 == "Late-developing"){6117}, b_BW = if(input$text8 == "Early-developing"){0.047} # use = instead <- else if(input$text8 == "Late-developing"){0.047}, c_BW = if(input$text8 == "Early-developing"){33.38} # use = instead <- else if(input$text8 == "Late-developing"){33.38}, # BODY PROTEIN (g) Wm_BP = if(input$text2 == "Male" && input$text1 == "Ross"){1.266} # use = instead <- else if(input$text2 == "Male" && input$text1 == "Cobb"){1.296} else if(input$text2 == "Male" && input$text1 == "Hubbard"){1.477} else if(input$text2 == "Female" && input$text1 == "Ross"){0.901} else if(input$text2 == "Female" && input$text1 == "Cobb"){0.910} else if(input$text2 == "Female" && input$text1 == "Hubbard"){0.949}, # include coma after each variable B_BP = if(input$text2 == "Male" && input$text1 == "Ross"){0.039} # use = instead <- else if(input$text2 == "Male" && input$text1 == "Cobb"){0.043} else if(input$text2 == "Male" && input$text1 == "Hubbard"){0.036} else if(input$text2 == "Female" && input$text1 == "Ross"){0.041} else if(input$text2 == "Female" && input$text1 == "Cobb"){0.043} else if(input$text2 == "Female" && input$text1 == "Hubbard"){0.040}, # include coma after each variable Wi_BP = if(input$text2 == "Male" && input$text1 == "Ross"){0.0055} # use = instead <- else if(input$text2 == "Male" && input$text1 == "Cobb"){0.0060} else if(input$text2 == "Male" && input$text1 == "Hubbard"){0.0052} else if(input$text2 == "Female" && input$text1 == "Ross"){0.005} else if(input$text2 == "Female" && input$text1 == "Cobb"){0.0060} else if(input$text2 == "Female" && input$text1 == "Hubbard"){0.0050}, # include coma after each variable # FEATHER PROT(g) Wm_FP = if(input$text2 == "Male" && input$text1 == "Ross"){0.2171} # use = instead <- else if(input$text2 == "Male" && input$text1 == "Cobb"){0.1897} else if(input$text2 == "Male" && input$text1 == "Hubbard"){0.1773} else if(input$text2 == "Female" && input$text1 == "Ross"){0.1804} else if(input$text2 == "Female" && input$text1 == "Cobb"){0.1752} else if(input$text2 == "Female" && input$text1 == "Hubbard"){0.1700}, # include coma after each variable B_FP = if(input$text2 == "Male" && input$text1 == "Ross"){0.039} # use = instead <- else if(input$text2 == "Male" && input$text1 == "Cobb"){0.045} else if(input$text2 == "Male" && input$text1 == "Hubbard"){0.042} else if(input$text2 == "Female" && input$text1 == "Ross"){0.042} else if(input$text2 == "Female" && input$text1 == "Cobb"){0.047} else if(input$text2 == "Female" && input$text1 == "Hubbard"){0.050}, # include coma after each variable Wi_FP = if(input$text2 == "Male" && input$text1 == "Ross"){0.00158} # use = instead <- else if(input$text2 == "Male" && input$text1 == "Cobb"){0.00137} else if(input$text2 == "Male" && input$text1 == "Hubbard"){0.00137} else if(input$text2 == "Female" && input$text1 == "Ross"){0.00157} else if(input$text2 == "Female" && input$text1 == "Cobb"){0.00156} else if(input$text2 == "Female" && input$text1 == "Hubbard"){0.00149}, # include coma after each variable # BODY FAT (g) a_BF = if(input$text2 == "Male" && input$text1 == "Ross"){-1.247} # use = instead <- else if(input$text2 == "Male" && input$text1 == "Cobb"){-1.225} else if(input$text2 == "Male" && input$text1 == "Hubbard"){-1.357} else if(input$text2 == "Female" && input$text1 == "Ross"){-1.3727} else if(input$text2 == "Female" && input$text1 == "Cobb"){-1.681} else if(input$text2 == "Female" && input$text1 == "Hubbard"){-1.5537}, # include coma after each variable c_BF = if(input$text2 == "Male" && input$text1 == "Ross"){1.157} # use = instead <- else if(input$text2 == "Male" && input$text1 == "Cobb"){1.157} else if(input$text2 == "Male" && input$text1 == "Hubbard"){1.157} else if(input$text2 == "Female" && input$text1 == "Ross"){1.1969} else if(input$text2 == "Female" && input$text1 == "Cobb"){1.2468} else if(input$text2 == "Female" && input$text1 == "Hubbard"){1.221}, Wm_BF = if(input$text2 == "Male" && input$text1 == "Ross"){1.3434} # use = instead <- else if(input$text2 == "Male" && input$text1 == "Cobb"){1.1703} else if(input$text2 == "Male" && input$text1 == "Hubbard"){1.3441} else if(input$text2 == "Female" && input$text1 == "Ross"){1.1809} else if(input$text2 == "Female" && input$text1 == "Cobb"){1.0695} else if(input$text2 == "Female" && input$text1 == "Hubbard"){1.1847}, # include coma after each variable B_BF = if(input$text2 == "Male" && input$text1 == "Ross"){0.039} # use = instead <- else if(input$text2 == "Male" && input$text1 == "Cobb"){0.041} else if(input$text2 == "Male" && input$text1 == "Hubbard"){0.039} else if(input$text2 == "Female" && input$text1 == "Ross"){0.036} else if(input$text2 == "Female" && input$text1 == "Cobb"){0.040} else if(input$text2 == "Female" && input$text1 == "Hubbard"){0.036}, # include coma after each variable Wi_BF = if(input$text2 == "Male" && input$text1 == "Ross"){0.0023} # use = instead <- else if(input$text2 == "Male" && input$text1 == "Cobb"){0.0020} else if(input$text2 == "Male" && input$text1 == "Hubbard"){0.0016} else if(input$text2 == "Female" && input$text1 == "Ross"){0.0022} else if(input$text2 == "Female" && input$text1 == "Cobb"){0.0019} else if(input$text2 == "Female" && input$text1 == "Hubbard"){0.017}, # include coma after each variable BW_pred= "NA", BW_NRC= "NA", BWG_pred = "NA", BPW= "NA", BPD= "NA", FPW= "NA", FPD= "NA", FW= "NA", FG= "NA", MEreq= "NA", FI_pred = "NA", Lys_Eft = "NA", MetpCis_Eft = "NA",#I change all ..._Ef to ..._Eft Thr_Eft = "NA", Val_Eft = "NA", Iso_Eft = "NA", Trp_Eft = "NA", Lys_MM = "NA", MetpCys_MM = "NA", Thr_MM = "NA", Val_MM = "NA", Iso_MM = "NA", Trp_MM = "NA", LysRatio_MM = "NA", MetpCysRatio_MM = "NA", ThrRatio_MM = "NA", ValRatio_MM = "NA", IsoRatio_MM = "NA", TrpRatio_MM = "NA", Lys_EM = "NA", MetpCys_EM = "NA", Thr_EM = "NA", Val_EM = "NA", Iso_EM = "NA", Trp_EM = "NA", LysRatio_EM = "NA", MetpCysRatio_EM = "NA", ThrRatio_EM = "NA", ValRatio_EM = "NA", IsoRatio_EM = "NA", TrpRatio_EM = "NA", Lys_MM_FI = "NA", MetpCys_MM_FI = "NA", Thr_MM_FI = "NA", Val_MM_FI = "NA", Iso_MM_FI = "NA", Trp_MM_FI = "NA", Lys_EM_FI = "NA", MetpCys_EM_FI = "NA", Thr_EM_FI = "NA", Val_EM_FI = "NA", Iso_EM_FI = "NA", Trp_EM_FI = "NA" ) ) }) ### ***********Create Table 1 for Inputs output$table1 <- renderDataTable( # Dataset with imputs, but no equations values$df, options=list( pageLength = 14, "columnDefs" = list( list("targets" = c(8:78), "visible" = FALSE))) ) ############# *********Create T2 table Handson output$table2 <- renderRHandsontable({ digits=5# Dataset with imputs and equations from RESPONSE VARIABLES isolate({ values$df$BW_pred <- values$df$Wm_BW * (exp(-exp((log(-log(values$df$Wi_BW / values$df$Wm_BW)) - (values$df$B_BW * values$df$Age) )))) values$df$BW_NRC <- values$df$a_BW * exp(-exp(-values$df$b_BW *(values$df$Age - values$df$c_BW ))) /1000 values$df$BWG_pred <- values$df$B_BW * values$df$BW_pred * log(values$df$Wm_BW/values$df$BW_pred) values$df$BPW <- values$df$Wm_BP*(exp(-exp((log(-log(values$df$Wi_BP/values$df$Wm_BP))-(values$df$B_BP*values$df$Age))))) # body protein weight values$df$BPD <- values$df$B_BP*values$df$BPW*log(values$df$Wm_BP/values$df$BPW)*1000 # body protein deposition values$df$FPW <- values$df$Wm_FP * (exp(-exp((log(-log(values$df$Wi_FP/values$df$Wm_FP))-(values$df$B_FP*values$df$Age))))) values$df$FPD <- values$df$B_FP * values$df$FPW*log(values$df$Wm_FP/values$df$FPW)*1000 values$df$FW <- 2.71828^(values$df$a_BF+ log(values$df$BPW*1000)*values$df$c_BF) #fat weight values$df$FG <- values$df$B_BF*values$df$FW*log((values$df$Wm_BF*1000)/values$df$FW) # body fat deposition # isolate( # if(input$text3 == 1) # {values$df$FG <- ave(values$df$FW, factor(input$text3), FUN=function(x) c(NA,diff(x))) # } else { # values$df$FG <- values$df$FW * 0.18} )##### Review conditional in R # isolate( # if(input$text3 == 1) # {values$df$FG <- values$df$FW * 0.18 # } else { # values$df$FG <- ave(values$df$FW, factor(input$text3), FUN=function(x) c(NA,diff(x)))} )##### Review conditional in R ######### ME Model and estimation of feed intake ################################## # isolate( # if(values$df$LCTemp > input$text4) # {values$df$MEreq = ((values$df$BW_pred^0.75) * 113 + 0.88*(input$text4 - values$df$LCTemp)+(13.5*values$df$FG)+(12.3*values$df$BPD)) # ;} else { # values$df$MEreq = ((values$df$BW_pred ^0.75) * 113 + 6.73*(input$text4 - values$df$Temp)+(13.5*values$df$FG)+(12.3*values$df$BPD)) # ;} # Review conditional in R, not working # ) # input$text4 = as.numeric(input$text4) # value$df$LCTemp = as.numeric(values$df$LCTemp) # input$text5 = as.numeric(input$text5) # d$MEreq <- ifelse(d$Temp >= d$LCTemp, d$BW^0.75 * 113 + 0.88*(d$Temp-d$LCTemp)+(13.5*d$FG)+(12.3*d$BPD), # ifelse(d$Temp <= d$LCTemp, d$BW^0.75 * 113 + 6.73*(d$LCTemp-d$Temp)+(13.5*d$FG)+(12.3*d$BPD),"NA")) # d$FI <- d$MEreq / d$MEd # isolate( # if(input$text4 > values$df$LCTemp) # {values$df$MEreq = ((values$df$BW_pred^0.75) * 113 + 0.88*(input$text4 - values$df$LCTemp)+(13.5*values$df$FG)+(12.3*values$df$BPD)) # ;} else{ # values$df$MEreq = ((values$df$BW_pred^0.75) * 113 + 6.73*(values$df$LCTemp - input$text4)+(13.5*values$df$FG)+(12.3*values$df$BPD)) # ;} # Review conditional in R, not working # ) # # # values$df$FIpred <- values$df$MEreq / input$text5 # Add above ######### Efficiency of AAs Utilization ############### # Reference: Nilva (2018) # Tables isolate( if(input$text3 > 0) {values$df$Lys_Eft <- as.numeric(0.77) } else {"NA"} ) isolate( if(input$text3 > 0) {values$df$MetpCis_Eft <- 0.78 #I change all ..._Ef to ..._Eft } else {"NA"} ) isolate( if(input$text3 > 0) {values$df$Thr_Eft <- 0.73 } else {"NA"} ) isolate( if(input$text3 > 0) {values$df$Val_Eft <- 0.73 } else {"NA"} ) isolate( if(input$text3 > 0) {values$df$Iso_Eft <- 0.69 } else {"NA"} ) isolate( if(input$text3 > 0) {values$df$Trp_Eft <- 0.71 } else {"NA"} ) ######### 1) Mechanistic Models ################ values$df$Lys_MM <- ((75*as.numeric(values$df$BPD) + 18 * as.numeric(values$df$FPD))/as.numeric(values$df$Lys_Eft)) + (as.numeric(values$df$Wm_BP)) ^ 0.73*(as.numeric(values$df$BPW)/as.numeric(values$df$Wm_BP)*151.2) +(0.01*as.numeric(values$df$FPW)*18) values$df$MetpCys_MM <- ((36*as.numeric(values$df$BPD) + 89 * as.numeric(values$df$FPD))/as.numeric(values$df$MetpCis_Eft)) + (as.numeric(values$df$Wm_BP)) ^ 0.73*(as.numeric(values$df$BPW)/as.numeric(values$df$Wm_BP)*87.2) + (0.01*as.numeric(values$df$FPW)*89) values$df$Thr_MM <- ((42*as.numeric(values$df$BPD) + 44 * as.numeric(values$df$FPD))/as.numeric(values$df$Thr_Eft)) + (as.numeric(values$df$Wm_BP)) ^ 0.73*(as.numeric(values$df$BPW)/as.numeric(values$df$Wm_BP)*75.5) + (0.01*as.numeric(values$df$FPW)*44) values$df$Val_MM <- ((45*as.numeric(values$df$BPD) + 69 * as.numeric(values$df$FPD))/as.numeric(values$df$Val_Eft)) + (as.numeric(values$df$Wm_BP)) ^ 0.73*(as.numeric(values$df$BPW)/as.numeric(values$df$Wm_BP)*219) + (0.01*as.numeric(values$df$FPW)*69) values$df$Iso_MM <- ((40*as.numeric(values$df$BPD) + 47 * as.numeric(values$df$FPD))/as.numeric(values$df$Iso_Eft)) + (as.numeric(values$df$Wm_BP)) ^ 0.73*(as.numeric(values$df$BPW)/as.numeric(values$df$Wm_BP)*134) + (0.01*as.numeric(values$df$FPW)*47) values$df$Trp_MM <- ((11*as.numeric(values$df$BPD) + 07 * as.numeric(values$df$FPD))/as.numeric(values$df$Trp_Eft)) + (as.numeric(values$df$Wm_BP)) ^ 0.73*(as.numeric(values$df$BPW)/as.numeric(values$df$Wm_BP)*37) + (0.01*as.numeric(values$df$FPW)*07) #I change all ..._Ef to ..._Eft # Ideal AA Ratio using Mechanistic Models values$df$LysRatio_MM <- values$df$Lys_MM/values$df$Lys_MM*100 values$df$MetpCysRatio_MM <- values$df$MetpCys_MM/values$df$Lys_MM*100 values$df$ThrRatio_MM<- values$df$Thr_MM/values$df$Lys_MM*100 values$df$ValRatio_MM <- values$df$Val_MM/values$df$Lys_MM*100 values$df$IsoRatio_MM <- values$df$Iso_MM/values$df$Lys_MM*100 values$df$TrpRatio_MM <-values$df$Trp_MM/values$df$Lys_MM*100 ######### 2) Empirical Models ################ values$df$Lys_EM <- 45.1 * (as.numeric(values$df$BW_pred)^0.75) + (-23.14+13.39*(as.numeric(values$df$BWG_pred)*1000))/as.numeric(values$df$Lys_Eft) values$df$MetpCys_EM <- 25.5 * (as.numeric(values$df$BW_pred)^0.75) + (-28.342+9.68*(as.numeric(values$df$BWG_pred)*1000))/as.numeric(values$df$MetpCis_Eft) values$df$Thr_EM <- 21.9 * (as.numeric(values$df$BW_pred)^0.75) + (-11.15+9.13*(as.numeric(values$df$BWG_pred)*1000))/as.numeric(values$df$Thr_Eft) values$df$Val_EM <- 65.4 * (as.numeric(values$df$BW_pred)^0.75) + (-22.03+9.54*(as.numeric(values$df$BWG_pred)*1000))/as.numeric(values$df$Val_Eft) values$df$Iso_EM <- 32 * (as.numeric(values$df$BW_pred)^0.75) +(-13.792+7.3444*(as.numeric(values$df$BWG_pred)*1000))/as.numeric(values$df$Iso_Eft) values$df$Trp_EM <- 9 * (as.numeric(values$df$BW_pred)^0.75) + (-2.94+2.38*(as.numeric(values$df$BWG_pred)*1000))/as.numeric(values$df$Trp_Eft) #I change all ..._Ef to ..._Eft # Ideal AA Ratio using Empirical Models values$df$LysRatio_EM <- values$df$Lys_EM/values$df$Lys_EM*100 values$df$MetpCysRatio_EM <- values$df$MetpCys_EM/values$df$Lys_EM*100 values$df$ThrRatio_EM <- values$df$Thr_EM/values$df$Lys_EM*100 values$df$ValRatio_EM <- values$df$Val_EM/values$df$Lys_EM*100 values$df$IsoRatio_EM <- values$df$Iso_EM/values$df$Lys_EM*100 values$df$TrpRatio_EM <- values$df$Trp_EM/values$df$Lys_EM*100 # AAs requirements in % intake observed (FI) # 1) Mechanistic values$df$Lys_MM_FI <- (values$df$Lys_MM/1000) / as.numeric(values$df$Intake_actual) * 100 values$df$MetpCys_MM_FI <- (values$df$MetpCys_MM/1000) / as.numeric(values$df$Intake_actual) * 100 values$df$Thr_MM_FI <- (values$df$Thr_MM/1000) / as.numeric(values$df$Intake_actual) * 100 values$df$Val_MM_FI <- (values$df$Val_MM/1000) / as.numeric(values$df$Intake_actual) * 100 values$df$Iso_MM_FI <- (values$df$Iso_MM/1000) / as.numeric(values$df$Intake_actual) * 100 values$df$Trp_MM_FI <- (values$df$Trp_MM/1000) / as.numeric(values$df$Intake_actual) * 100 # 1) Empiric values$df$Lys_EM_FI <- (values$df$Lys_EM/1000) / as.numeric(values$df$Intake_actual) * 100 values$df$MetpCys_EM_FI <- (values$df$MetpCys_EM/1000) / as.numeric(values$df$Intake_actual) * 100 # Find error here: There was an "f" missing in the statement (values$df$Intake_actual) values$df$Thr_EM_FI <- (values$df$Thr_EM/1000) / as.numeric(values$df$Intake_actual) * 100 values$df$Val_EM_FI <- (values$df$Val_EM /1000) / as.numeric(values$df$Intake_actual) * 100 values$df$Iso_EM_FI <- (values$df$Iso_EM /1000) / as.numeric(values$df$Intake_actual) * 100 values$df$Trp_EM_FI <- (values$df$Trp_EM /1000) / as.numeric(values$df$Intake_actual) * 100 }) rhandsontable(values$df,selectCallback = TRUE) #maxRows = input$Age }) #if a user updates table1, table2 should also update. observeEvent(input$table2,{ df <- hot_to_r(input$table2) df <- values$df <- df }) ########## refresh observeEvent(input$reset, { values$df <- NULL }) ###### Save data set to local ## create the save function saveData <- function(){ write.csv(values$df, file = "Predictions of AAs requirements for Broilers.csv", row.names = FALSE) } ## on save button click event, dataset will be saved to working directory observeEvent(input$saveBtn, saveData()) ##### Dowload dataset output$BroilersData.csv <- downloadHandler( filename = function() { 'Edited table.csv' }, # what should go in place of table content = function(file) { write.csv(values$df, file) } ) ############ Plots ####################### # renderPlotly() also understands ggplot2 objects! x <- list(title = "Age, days") y1 <- list(title = "Lys, mg/d") y2 <- list(title = "Met plus Cys, mg/d") y3 <- list(title = "Thr, mg/d") y4 <- list(title = "Val, mg/d") y5 <- list(title = "Ile, mg/d") y6 <- list(title = "Trp, mg/d") # 1 Lys output$plot1a <- renderPlotly({ ggplot(values$df, aes(as.numeric(values$df$Age), as.numeric(values$df$Lys_MM))) + geom_bar((aes(fill = values$df$Sex)), stat="identity", position="dodge", show.legend=FALSE, size = 1)+ xlab("Age, d")+ ylab("Lys intake (Mechanicistic), mg/d") + # geom_text(aes(label= round(values$df$Lys_MM)),position=position_dodge(0.9), vjust=-0.2, size = 3) + theme(legend.position="bottom") + theme_set(theme_classic(base_size=13)) + scale_x_continuous(breaks = values$df$Age) }) output$plot1b <- renderPlotly({ ggplot(values$df, aes(as.numeric(values$df$Age), as.numeric(values$df$Lys_EM)))+ geom_bar((aes(fill = values$df$Sex)), stat="identity", position="dodge", show.legend=FALSE, size = 1)+ xlab("Age, d")+ ylab("Lys intake (Empirical), mg/d") + # geom_text(aes(label= round(values$df$Lys_EM, digits = 0)),position=position_dodge(width = 0.9), vjust=-0.2, size = 3) + theme(legend.position="bottom") + theme_set(theme_classic(base_size=13)) + scale_x_continuous(breaks = values$df$Age) }) output$plot1c <- renderPlotly({ ggplot(values$df, aes(as.numeric(values$df$Age), as.numeric(values$df$Lys_MM))) + geom_bar((aes(fill = values$df$Line)), stat="identity", position="dodge", show.legend=FALSE, size = 1)+ xlab("Age, d")+ ylab("Lys intake (Mechanicistic), mg/d") + # geom_text(aes(label= round(values$df$Lys_MM, digits = 0)),position=position_dodge(0.9), vjust=-0.2, size = 3) + theme(legend.position="bottom") + theme_set(theme_classic(base_size=13)) + scale_x_continuous(breaks = values$df$Age) }) output$plot1d <- renderPlotly({ ggplot(values$df, aes(as.numeric(values$df$Age), as.numeric(values$df$Lys_EM)))+ geom_bar((aes(fill = values$df$Line)), stat="identity", position="dodge", show.legend=FALSE, size = 1)+ xlab("Age, d")+ ylab("Lys intake (Empirical), mg/d") + # geom_text(aes(label= round(values$df$Lys_EM, digits = 0)),position=position_dodge(width = 0.9), vjust=-0.2, size = 3) + theme(legend.position="bottom") + theme_set(theme_classic(base_size=13)) + scale_x_continuous(breaks = values$df$Age) }) # 2 MetpCys_MM output$plot2a <- renderPlotly({ ggplot(values$df, aes(as.numeric(values$df$Age), as.numeric(values$df$MetpCys_MM)))+ geom_bar((aes(fill = values$df$Sex)), stat="identity", position="dodge", show.legend=FALSE, size = 1)+ xlab("Age, d")+ ylab("Met plus Cys intake (Mechanicistic), mg/d") + # geom_text(aes(label= round(values$df$Lys_MM, digits = 0)),position=position_dodge(width = 0.9), vjust=-0.2, size = 3) + theme(legend.position="bottom") + theme_set(theme_classic(base_size=13)) + scale_x_continuous(breaks = values$df$Age) }) output$plot2b <- renderPlotly({ ggplot(values$df, aes(as.numeric(values$df$Age), as.numeric(values$df$MetpCys_EM)))+ geom_bar((aes(fill = values$df$Sex)), stat="identity", position="dodge", show.legend=FALSE, size = 1)+ xlab("Age, d")+ ylab("Met plus Cys intake (Empirical), mg/d") + # geom_text(aes(label= round(values$df$MetpCys_EM, digits = 0)),position=position_dodge(width=0.9), vjust=-0.2, size = 3) + theme(legend.position="bottom") + theme_set(theme_classic(base_size=13)) + scale_x_continuous(breaks = values$df$Age) }) output$plot2c <- renderPlotly({ ggplot(values$df, aes(as.numeric(values$df$Age), as.numeric(values$df$MetpCys_MM)))+ geom_bar((aes(fill = values$df$Line)), stat="identity", position="dodge", show.legend=FALSE, size = 1)+ xlab("Age, d")+ ylab("Met plus Cys intake (Mechanicistic), mg/d") + # geom_text(aes(label= round(values$df$Lys_MM, digits = 0)),position=position_dodge(width = 0.9), vjust=-0.2, size = 3) + theme(legend.position="bottom") + theme_set(theme_classic(base_size=13)) + scale_x_continuous(breaks = values$df$Age) }) output$plot2d <- renderPlotly({ ggplot(values$df, aes(as.numeric(values$df$Age), as.numeric(values$df$MetpCys_EM)))+ geom_bar((aes(fill = values$df$Line)), stat="identity", position="dodge", show.legend=FALSE, size = 1)+ xlab("Age, d")+ ylab("Met plus Cys intake (Empirical), mg/d") + # geom_text(aes(label= round(values$df$MetpCys_EM, digits = 0)),position=position_dodge(width=0.9), vjust=-0.2, size = 3) + theme(legend.position="bottom") + theme_set(theme_classic(base_size=13)) + scale_x_continuous(breaks = values$df$Age) }) # 3 Thr output$plot3a <- renderPlotly({ ggplot(values$df, aes(as.numeric(values$df$Age), as.numeric(values$df$Thr_MM)))+ geom_bar((aes(fill = values$df$Sex)), stat="identity", position="dodge", show.legend=FALSE, size = 1)+ xlab("Age, d")+ ylab("Thr intake (Mechanicistic), mg/d") + # geom_text(aes(label= round(values$df$Thr_MM, digits = 0)),position=position_dodge(width = 0.9), vjust=-0.2, size = 3) + theme(legend.position="bottom") + theme_set(theme_classic(base_size=13)) + scale_x_continuous(breaks = values$df$Age) }) output$plot3b <- renderPlotly({ ggplot(values$df, aes(as.numeric(values$df$Age), as.numeric(values$df$Thr_EM)))+ geom_bar((aes(fill = values$df$Sex)), stat="identity", position="dodge", show.legend=FALSE, size = 1)+ xlab("Age, d")+ ylab("Thr intake (Empirical), mg/d") + # geom_text(aes(label= round(values$df$Thr_EM, digits = 0)),position=position_dodge(width=0.9), vjust=-0.2, size = 3) + theme(legend.position="bottom") + theme_set(theme_classic(base_size=13)) + scale_x_continuous(breaks = values$df$Age) }) output$plot3c <- renderPlotly({ ggplot(values$df, aes(as.numeric(values$df$Age), as.numeric(values$df$Thr_MM)))+ geom_bar((aes(fill = values$df$Line)), stat="identity", position="dodge", show.legend=FALSE, size = 1)+ xlab("Age, d")+ ylab("Thr intake (Mechanicistic), mg/d") + # geom_text(aes(label= round(values$df$Thr_MM, digits = 0)),position=position_dodge(width = 0.9), vjust=-0.2, size = 3) + theme(legend.position="bottom") + theme_set(theme_classic(base_size=13)) + scale_x_continuous(breaks = values$df$Age) }) output$plot3d <- renderPlotly({ ggplot(values$df, aes(as.numeric(values$df$Age), as.numeric(values$df$Thr_EM)))+ geom_bar((aes(fill = values$df$Line)), stat="identity", position="dodge", show.legend=FALSE, size = 1)+ xlab("Age, d")+ ylab("Thr intake (Empirical), mg/d") + # geom_text(aes(label= round(values$df$Thr_EM, digits = 0)),position=position_dodge(width=0.9), vjust=-0.2, size = 3) + theme(legend.position="bottom") + theme_set(theme_classic(base_size=13)) + scale_x_continuous(breaks = values$df$Age) }) # 4 Val output$plot4a <- renderPlotly({ ggplot(values$df, aes(as.numeric(values$df$Age), as.numeric(values$df$Val_MM)))+ geom_bar((aes(fill = values$df$Sex)), stat="identity", position="dodge", show.legend=FALSE, size = 1)+ xlab("Age, d")+ ylab("Val intake (Mechanicistic), mg/d") + # geom_text(aes(label= round(values$df$Val_MM, digits = 0)),position=position_dodge(width = 0.9), vjust=-0.2, size = 3) + theme(legend.position="bottom") + theme_set(theme_classic(base_size=13)) + scale_x_continuous(breaks = values$df$Age) }) output$plot4b <- renderPlotly({ ggplot(values$df, aes(as.numeric(values$df$Age), as.numeric(values$df$Val_EM)))+ geom_bar((aes(fill = values$df$Sex)), stat="identity", position="dodge", show.legend=FALSE, size = 1)+ xlab("Age, d")+ ylab("Val intake (Empirical), mg/d") + # geom_text(aes(label= round(values$df$Val_EM, digits = 0)),position=position_dodge(width=0.9), vjust=-0.2, size = 3) + theme(legend.position="bottom") + theme_set(theme_classic(base_size=13)) + scale_x_continuous(breaks = values$df$Age) }) output$plot4c <- renderPlotly({ ggplot(values$df, aes(as.numeric(values$df$Age), as.numeric(values$df$Val_MM)))+ geom_bar((aes(fill = values$df$Line)), stat="identity", position="dodge", show.legend=FALSE, size = 1)+ xlab("Age, d")+ ylab("Val intake (Mechanicistic), mg/d") + # geom_text(aes(label= round(values$df$Val_MM, digits = 0)),position=position_dodge(width = 0.9), vjust=-0.2, size = 3) + theme(legend.position="bottom") + theme_set(theme_classic(base_size=13)) + scale_x_continuous(breaks = values$df$Age) }) output$plot4d <- renderPlotly({ ggplot(values$df, aes(as.numeric(values$df$Age), as.numeric(values$df$Val_EM)))+ geom_bar((aes(fill = values$df$Line)), stat="identity", position="dodge", show.legend=FALSE, size = 1)+ xlab("Age, d")+ ylab("Val intake (Empirical), mg/d") + # geom_text(aes(label= round(values$df$Val_EM, digits = 0)),position=position_dodge(width=0.9), vjust=-0.2, size = 3) + theme(legend.position="bottom") + theme_set(theme_classic(base_size=13)) + scale_x_continuous(breaks = values$df$Age) }) # 5 Iso output$plot5a <- renderPlotly({ ggplot(values$df, aes(as.numeric(values$df$Age), as.numeric(values$df$Iso_MM)))+ geom_bar((aes(fill = values$df$Sex)), stat="identity", position="dodge", show.legend=FALSE, size = 1)+ xlab("Age, d")+ ylab("Iso intake (Mechanicistic), mg/d") + # geom_text(aes(label= round(values$df$Iso_MM, digits = 0)),position=position_dodge(width = 0.9), vjust=-0.2, size = 3) + theme(legend.position="bottom") + theme_set(theme_classic(base_size=13)) + scale_x_continuous(breaks = values$df$Age) }) output$plot5b <- renderPlotly({ ggplot(values$df, aes(as.numeric(values$df$Age), as.numeric(values$df$Iso_EM)))+ geom_bar((aes(fill = values$df$Sex)), stat="identity", position="dodge", show.legend=FALSE, size = 1)+ xlab("Age, d")+ ylab("Iso intake (Empirical), mg/d") + # geom_text(aes(label= round(values$df$Iso_EM, digits = 0)),position=position_dodge(width=0.9), vjust=-0.2, size = 3) + theme(legend.position="bottom") + theme_set(theme_classic(base_size=13)) + scale_x_continuous(breaks = values$df$Age) }) output$plot5c <- renderPlotly({ ggplot(values$df, aes(as.numeric(values$df$Age), as.numeric(values$df$Iso_MM)))+ geom_bar((aes(fill = values$df$Line)), stat="identity", position="dodge", show.legend=FALSE, size = 1)+ xlab("Age, d")+ ylab("Iso intake (Mechanicistic), mg/d") + # geom_text(aes(label= round(values$df$Iso_MM, digits = 0)),position=position_dodge(width = 0.9), vjust=-0.2, size = 3) + theme(legend.position="bottom") + theme_set(theme_classic(base_size=13)) + scale_x_continuous(breaks = values$df$Age) }) output$plot5d <- renderPlotly({ ggplot(values$df, aes(as.numeric(values$df$Age), as.numeric(values$df$Iso_EM)))+ geom_bar((aes(fill = values$df$Line)), stat="identity", position="dodge", show.legend=FALSE, size = 1)+ xlab("Age, d")+ ylab("Iso intake (Empirical), mg/d") + # geom_text(aes(label= round(values$df$Iso_EM, digits = 0)),position=position_dodge(width=0.9), vjust=-0.2, size = 3) + theme(legend.position="bottom") + theme_set(theme_classic(base_size=13)) + scale_x_continuous(breaks = values$df$Age) }) # 6 Trp output$plot6a <- renderPlotly({ ggplot(values$df, aes(as.numeric(values$df$Age), as.numeric(values$df$Trp_MM)))+ geom_bar((aes(fill = values$df$Sex)), stat="identity", position="dodge", show.legend=FALSE, size = 1)+ xlab("Age, d")+ ylab("Trp intake (Mechanicistic), mg/d") + # geom_text(aes(label= round(values$df$Trp_MM, digits = 0)),position=position_dodge(width = 0.9), vjust=-0.2, size = 3) + theme(legend.position="bottom") + theme_set(theme_classic(base_size=13)) + scale_x_continuous(breaks = values$df$Age) }) output$plot6b <- renderPlotly({ ggplot(values$df, aes(as.numeric(values$df$Age), as.numeric(values$df$Trp_EM)))+ geom_bar((aes(fill = values$df$Sex)), stat="identity", position="dodge", show.legend=FALSE, size = 1)+ xlab("Age, d")+ ylab("Trp intake (Empirical), mg/d") + # geom_text(aes(label= round(values$df$Trp_EM, digits = 0)),position=position_dodge(width=0.9), vjust=-0.2, size = 3) + theme(legend.position="bottom") + theme_set(theme_classic(base_size=13)) + scale_x_continuous(breaks = values$df$Age) }) output$plot6c <- renderPlotly({ ggplot(values$df, aes(as.numeric(values$df$Age), as.numeric(values$df$Trp_MM)))+ geom_bar((aes(fill = values$df$Line)), stat="identity", position="dodge", show.legend=FALSE, size = 1)+ xlab("Age, d")+ ylab("Trp intake (Mechanicistic), mg/d") + # geom_text(aes(label= round(values$df$Trp_MM, digits = 0)),position=position_dodge(width = 0.9), vjust=-0.2, size = 3) + theme(legend.position="bottom") + theme_set(theme_classic(base_size=13)) + scale_x_continuous(breaks = values$df$Age) }) output$plot6d <- renderPlotly({ ggplot(values$df, aes(as.numeric(values$df$Age), as.numeric(values$df$Trp_EM)))+ geom_bar((aes(fill = values$df$Line)), stat="identity", position="dodge", show.legend=FALSE, size = 1)+ xlab("Age, d")+ ylab("Trp intake (Empirical), mg/d") + # geom_text(aes(label= round(values$df$Trp_EM, digits = 0)),position=position_dodge(width=0.9), vjust=-0.2, size = 3) + theme(legend.position="bottom") + theme_set(theme_classic(base_size=13)) + scale_x_continuous(breaks = values$df$Age) }) # 7 Grouth curve output$plot7 <- renderPlotly({ ggplot(values$df, aes(as.numeric(values$df$Age), as.numeric(values$df$BW_pred)))+ geom_point(color="green", size=1, show.legend=TRUE) + geom_point(aes(y = values$df$BW_NRC), colour="blue",size=1) + xlab("Age, d")+ ylab("Body weight, kg") + annotate("text", x= 20, y=4, label= "Estimate for the U.S. (blue) ", size=4) + annotate("text", x= 20, y=3.6, label= "Estimate for the Brazil (green) ", size=4) }) # US output$plot7a <- renderPlotly({ ggplot(values$df, aes(as.numeric(values$df$Age), as.numeric(values$df$BW_NRC)))+ geom_bar((aes(fill = values$df$text8)), stat="identity", position="dodge", show.legend=FALSE, size = 1)+ xlab("Age, d")+ ylab("Body weight, kg") + # geom_text(aes(label= round(values$df$Trp_EM, digits = 0)),position=position_dodge(width=0.9), vjust=-0.2, size = 3) + theme(legend.position="bottom") + theme_set(theme_classic(base_size=13)) + scale_x_continuous(breaks = values$df$Age) + annotate("text", x= 20, y=3.6, label= "Estimate for the U.S.", size=4) }) # BR output$plot7b <- renderPlotly({ ggplot(values$df, aes(as.numeric(values$df$Age), as.numeric(values$df$BW_pred)))+ geom_bar((aes(fill = values$df$Line)), stat="identity", position="dodge", show.legend=FALSE, size = 1)+ xlab("Age, d")+ ylab("Body weight, kg") + # geom_text(aes(label= round(values$df$Trp_EM, digits = 0)),position=position_dodge(width=0.9), vjust=-0.2, size = 3) + theme(legend.position="bottom") + theme_set(theme_classic(base_size=13)) + scale_x_continuous(breaks = values$df$Age) + annotate("text", x= 20, y=3.6, label= "Estimate for the Brazil", size=4) }) } )